
Florist Lapsang


i am SAYING. This is floral as a bear. In a lot of ways, this is similar to a very good eastern beauty. If your impression of lapsang is that it's this smokey ass deep and dark thing, then try this. It's like making out with flowers and expensive face cream - no smoke to be found.


  1. it's good and nice, really good and also really nice. I would say it's good. It's also kinda nice. Getting notes of good and nice, a tinge of yea ok and the aroma of a light mhmm
  2. more honied and blended up like it took all the smells and tastes and pulsed em a few times in a magic bullet or something
  4. a bit minty with a tangle of complexity that I can't even unravel but it's in the fruits, flowers, and spices
  5. very heavily focused in on that super floral softness. this is mmmmm very good I must say. makes me wanna play Minecraft and eat fancy chips and not give a shit about much of anything but also makes me wanna work on this site some more and pet my cat and do everything but also stop time
  6. floral musk with fancy fermented grapes
  7. it's so sexy
  8. Bit of a sour kinda thing in the mix but v slight. peeled raw almond, also some cream

I'm a dumb little sucker for floral stuff like this and I'll be getting more on me next order 2 white2tea