Aged 7 years as maocha before being pressed in 2014.
- The mouthfeel is substantially oily and followed by a smooth bitter taste. Corn smut holds through in the flavor with some aged wood and sweetness. The finish is a bit reminiscent of tahini in throatfeel and taste.
- Bittersweet, papery-woody tang with some perceived wet smokiness - some aromas kind of like cultured plant butter and leather with an abundance of spices. On the dry side of storage flavors. Medium-high amount of astringency in the finish. The empty cup smell has an intense molasses smell.
- Wet leaf's got fertilizer in some fertile topsoil aromas. The flavor is a bit more creamy than the previous infusions. Still strong on the bitterness with some loam notes.
- Quite smokey and burly with a strong smokiness.
- Juicier with some banana-like fruitiness.
- Back to the corn smut with sweet smokiness now featuring gasoline.
- Smoother with loam more noticeable.
- ...
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- Noticeably creamier like soy milk
- Even creamier and smoother, starting to thin and take a long ass time to brew